
How to generate a real sense of belonging at work

By Marcelo Cardoso for Valor Columnist Marcelo Cardoso talks about the importance of companies being more welcoming and willing to encourage the evolution of professionals When, during the pandemic, the boundaries between personal and professional life collapsed, the theme

How to generate a real sense of belonging at work2023-04-04T14:52:45-03:00

The cost of not looking at Mental Health in organizations

by Carolina Toledo In March of last year, the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry (ABP) already warned, in an international article published in the 'Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry', that the pandemic would bring a fourth wave concerning mental illnesses.. If

The cost of not looking at Mental Health in organizations2021-05-23T02:56:57-03:00

Audio – Vertical Development by Marcelo Cardoso

In the last few weeks we have talked about various topics. Purpose, psychological security, and horizontal organizations were some of them. The question is how do these themes converge? In what ways are they connected? Ken Wilber's Integral Theory

Audio – Vertical Development by Marcelo Cardoso2021-02-11T19:23:34-03:00

Transformation in Uncertain Times

by Carolina Toledo Since March we have been immersed in an unusual scenario of uncertainty that accelerates a process of social, economic, and political transformation. This new reality brings with it a new learning challenge, we will need to develop

Transformation in Uncertain Times2021-02-11T19:12:23-03:00

Possibility Intervals

by Carolina Toledo The beauty and art of being yourself. Who am I? A simple question that is, at the same time, complex to answer Not long ago, I heard a piece of advice from a well-meaning person who told

Possibility Intervals2021-02-11T19:10:28-03:00

I Am Not a Robot

by Ana Patricia Carvalho Today's news from LinkedIn itself that Brazilian e-commerce grew 81% in April (link at the end) got me thinking about how the increasing digitization of the economy will impact the way we relate to brands and

I Am Not a Robot2021-02-11T19:08:50-03:00

Integral Entrepreneurship: Purpose!

by Daniel Lindenberg Badke Entrepreneuring a business is like sitting on the first roller coaster ride, you have to have courage, and this is a belly thrill. Entrepreneurship with Purpose is believing to see, it's like sitting in the first

Integral Entrepreneurship: Purpose!2021-02-11T19:03:21-03:00
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