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So far chieintegrates has created 100 blog entries.

The cost of not looking at Mental Health in organizations

by Carolina Toledo In March of last year, the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry (ABP) already warned, in an international article published in the 'Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry', that the pandemic would bring a fourth wave concerning mental illnesses.. If

The cost of not looking at Mental Health in organizations2021-05-23T02:56:57-03:00

Audio – Vertical Development by Marcelo Cardoso

In the last few weeks we have talked about various topics. Purpose, psychological security, and horizontal organizations were some of them. The question is how do these themes converge? In what ways are they connected? Ken Wilber's Integral Theory

Audio – Vertical Development by Marcelo Cardoso2021-02-11T19:23:34-03:00

Vertical Development by Marcelo Cardoso

In the last few weeks we have talked about various topics. Purpose, psychological security, and horizontal organizations were some of them. The question is how do these themes converge? In what ways are they connected? Ken Wilber's

Vertical Development by Marcelo Cardoso2021-02-11T19:19:49-03:00

Don’t get involved in partial problems

"Don't get involved in partial problems, always try to take flight to a place of broad vision on a big problem, even if the vision is not yet clear." - Wittgenstein

Don’t get involved in partial problems2021-02-11T19:18:06-03:00

A technological economic development that does not leave in its wake an integrally better world and quality of life cannot be considered progress

"A technological economic development that does not leave in its wake an integrally better world and quality of life cannot be considered progress. The principle of profit maximization, often isolated from other considerations, reflects a misunderstanding of the very concept

A technological economic development that does not leave in its wake an integrally better world and quality of life cannot be considered progress2021-02-11T19:16:41-03:00
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